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セレステ・ウレアガ写真ワークショップ Celeste Urreaga's Photography Workshop 12/7 3 - 6 pm

English follows the Japanese

セレステ・ウレアガ 写真ワークショップ

クリエイティブ・フォトグラフィ・ワークショップ ― アイデアから完成まで

12月7日(土)15時―18時 通訳あり 



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■セレステ・ウレアガCeleste Urreaga


2015年 セルバンテス文化センター東京にて東京初個展「アルゼンチンロックのポートレート」を開催。

2016年 ニューロ吉祥寺(東京)にて「Doble Mirada」(Eiji Kakugawaとの二人展)を開催。同年 日本写真協会2016年年鑑に掲載される。写真集食堂めぐたまにて飯沢耕太郎氏とのトークイベントを開催

2017年 セルバンテス文化センター東京にて2度目の「Doble Mirada」を開催。同年 東京工芸大学、清泉大学、日本写真協会にて写真ワークショップを開催。「さまざまなフェミニズム」の制作をはじめる

2018年 2人の日本人と2人のアルゼンチン人をアルゼンチン、メンドーサ州のアーティストレジデンスに滞在し製作するプロジェクトのコーディネートを行う。セルバンテス文化センター東京にて3度目の「Doble Mirada」、

前出の滞在制作プロジェクト展示を開催。同年 東京工芸大学、清泉大学、セルバンテス文化センター東京にて写真ワークショップを開催。清泉大学にて「さまざまなフェミニズム」展を開催。メキシコシティにて開催期間2か月にも及ぶ大規模な展示「Erotics of the Fema Women」を開催

2019年 アルゼンチン、メンドーサ州にて「Doble Mirada」を開催。メキシコ、アルゼンチン大使館にて「Doble Mirada」を開催。

11月ギャラリーOGU MAG(東京)にて4度目の「Doble Mirada」を開催


12月ギャラリーOGU MAG(東京)にて「さまざまなフェミニズム」を開催

メキシコ、ソノラ文化センター、東京工芸大学、ギャラリーOGU MAGにて写真ワークショップを開催



From 3 - 6 PM on Saturday, December 7

Price: 3,000 yen

Bring your printed photography

Work on the construction of a Photographic Essay.

¨ Essay is the Judgment.

The Photographic Essay is a body of work. ”

Build a narrative through photography as a tool.

How to materialize an idea?

How to tell a coherent and directed story towards what we want to say through images?

And how do I get along? How do I produce what I want?

And the whole process until its realization.

Development of the idea:

Production: Production design. Preproduction. Presentation. Art direction. Technical team. Post production.

Photo editing, Selection, Curatorial script. Printing and Printing types. Mounting forms

We work on the IDEA for various objectives:

Display the work, make an exhibition.

Portfolio review.

Realization of a photographic production or Customer Campaign.

Personal project.

Work on maximizing available resources.

Work on your photographs.

Develop one's own look with the help of the other's gaze.

We work on the composition by learning to read the images.

Celeste Urreaga: Argentina


exhibited for the first time in Tokyo her work "Portraits of Rock" at the Cervantes Institute in Tokyo, it was declared Cultural Interest by the Ministry of Culture and the Argentinian Embassy in Japan.


creates her work "Doble Mirada" (double looking) exhibiting it in Tokyo.

The Photographic Society of Japan included it in the 2016 Yearbook "Japan Photo Almanac 2016".

In Japan, she was invited by Mr. Kotaro Iizawa, one of the most important photo critics in Japan and shared about her work.


she made the 2nd edition of "Doble Mirada" at the Instituto Cervantes in Tokyo.

• Conferences in different Universities:

• Tokyo Polytechnick University,

• Seisen University

• The Photographic Society of Japan.

Same year she created her work ¨Erotic of Feminine¨.


she creates, directs and coordinates an Artistic residence in Mendoza City, Argentina, linking Japanese and Argentinean artists, continuing with her work "Doble Mirada", and the result of this residence was present in the same year at the Instituto Cervantes in Tokyo part of the official celebrations of diplomatic relations between Japan and Argentina with the support of both Embassies.

Dictated workshops:

• Tokyo Polytechnick University

• Seisen University and

• Cervantes Institute of Tokyo.

She exposed her work ¨Erotics of the Feminine¨ at Seisen University in Tokyo.

She presented her work "Erotics of the Fema Women" in Mexico City, in an exhibition that lasted two months.


"Doble Mirada" arrives in Argentina and is presented in Mendoza, Argentina.

Presented this work at the Argentine Embassy in Mexico.

In November she presents in Tokyo the 4th edition of ¨Doble Mirada¨ at OGU MAG gallery.

She arrives for the first time in China, to exhibit her work in Beijing with the support of the Argentine Embassy in China.

And in December he will present her work on femininity, ¨Erotic of the Feminine¨ in Tokyo, Japan, in OGU MAG.

She gives her workshop:

• "Creative Photography" at Culture Institute of Sonora, México.

• "Creative Photography" at the Polytechnic University of Tokyo and at the OGU MAG Gallery, in Tokyo.

She has counted on institutional support from the Argentinian Embassy in Japan, Embassy of Japan in Argentina, Argentinian Embassy in Mexico, Ministry of Culture of the Argentinian Nation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Argentinian Worship with declarations of Cultural Interest, to all activities in Japan. As well as the Cervantes Institute of Tokyo and The Photographic Society of Japan.

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